Creating Music CarOS

Can touch interfaces be accessible and safe for cars?

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Concept Sketches and Storyboards

Imagine a vehicle interface designed entirely around a touch-based screen. With a product timeline aimed at three to five years into the future, the design needs to be both adaptable and multi-modal for whatever the future may bring. Tomorrow's car may not be fully autonomous, but a touch-based UI will be ready for change.

Early sketches centered around the idea of a single, large display to incorporate all information in a simple yet clear screen. Gestures must be safe for drivers and passengers alike whilst driving. 


Research, Interviews, and Personas

Research stemmed from today's console systems to mobile music interfaces and more radical technological concepts. Often existing innovations may have innovative new applications. Multitouch and gestures were familiar to most interviewees, whereas voice and non-touch based gestures were more alien.

Personas were developed showcasing the three main user groups: young adults, technologically literate individuals, and more traditional "tactile" users.


Wireframe and Details

Early sketches translated directly to digital wireframes. The design contains three function spaces. Primary and secondary input areas run along the bottom whereas the top contains the main screen space. The left hand side contains the status bar.

This format prioritizes the driver in viewing and controls. The spaces allow for user customization and dynamic functions. Simple universal gestures allow for controls to be manipulated without any need for visual cues.  



Tuning the Experience

Early designs proved that touch-based interfaces can remain intuitive and safe for drivers on the road. Additional UI tweaks in regards to font and iconography were necessary in order to improve upon general legibility and interface clarity. 

The UI stems from an Apple iOS design language applied towards a carOS platform. San Francisco font and CarPlay UI colors are reintroduced in the music interface. Gestures such as swiping to home will be familiar for any iOS user.