Find the best produce. Reduce food waste.
Harvest is a conceptual tool that turns your phone into a vision-based artificial intelligence to detect the freshness of vegetables and fruits. Integrated into a digital Pantry, Harvest gives insight into identifying the tastiest produce and nudges you if items may spoil soon.
Prototyping Vision + LLM
While my concept for a fruit identifier began as an ubicomp exploration years ago, recent developments in LLMs enable an even more compelling, conversational user interface.
To test the limits of these tools, I prototyped and tested several AI/ML models including GPT and OpenCV, and custom built my own models.
Delightful interactions.
The phone is not the ideal form factor for AI tools in the real world. But the experience can be made more delightful through a playful mix of intuitively simple UI and carefully crafted micro interactions. I talk more about ideal form factors in Future Opportunities.
Wealth of food wisdom.
At its core, Harvest is about helping everyday people learn how to spot signs for ripeness and tasty produce by integrating a library of food knowledge into one resource.
With additional hardware, Harvest has the opportunity to help monitor your pantry over time, and provide important context on when food should be eaten and how to best avoid spoilage.