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Sunset Hub

Sep – Dec 2017

Cities need more space as they face growing congestion. Sunset Hub is a project from Grid Unlock, a research collaboration between ArtCenter and UCLA aiming to transform Sunset Boulevard in West Hollywood for 2050.

Design process › See the exhibit ›

Vertical City

Vertical City

Autonomy and rideshare are two leading innovations to reducing parking congestion. Sunset Hub acts as the gateway for rideshare much like Grand Central Station is the hub for rail. The goal is to never look for parking again.

Sunset Hub is a modular and flexible structure designed to fit into any sized city lot. Above ground the hub is focused on providing shared community space. Underground it is a rideshare and maintenance station.


Sunset Hub removes the likelihood for double parking and the accordion effect through the use of a stacked double helical ramp-like design. It's like stacking roundabouts vertically.

This enables consistent space for rideshare vehicles to drop off or pick up passengers without ever causing traffic impediments such as double parking.

Accordion Effect ﹢

Parking Today

Parking Today

Zoning laws require a predetermined number of parking spaces for peak hours. With over 3500 lots along the Sunset Strip, much of the space is inefficiently used during most of the day. About one seventh of greater Los Angeles is required to use similar types of parking spaces.

 Sunset Hubs' vertical design creates open space for people to experience more. The addition of bike lanes and walking areas affords new life to West Hollywood's eponymous Sunset Boulevard. With autonomy and smart infrastructure, intersections can be

Sunset Hubs' vertical design creates open space for people to experience more. The addition of bike lanes and walking areas affords new life to West Hollywood's eponymous Sunset Boulevard. With autonomy and smart infrastructure, intersections can be safer and better managed.

See design process ›

Multi Functional Hub

Sunset Hub is a mobility access point. While public transit helps to efficiently travel long distances, last mile travel requires alternate mobility options like rideshare or micro-mobility. Transit hubs make it easier for travelers to quickly and seamlessly switch between different services.



Cities should be designed for the people using them, not their cars. Sunset Hubs create spaces for vertical parks, eateries, festivals, pop ups, and more. The hub is self sustaining through its solar roof and hydroponic garden.

Flex Space

Flex Space

Flexible locations allow Sunset Hub to be used for any number of events. Drop off spaces can instantly transform into a food truck event, a sports arena, or a concert.

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